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Recent innovations coupled with the drone make it possible to go much further and bring more precise information to the farmer by drawing up maps indicating the more or less fertile areas to help him make the right decisions and increase or decrease irrigation or appropriate treatments, which saves both water and treatments for the benefit of our planet and the farmer.

Analysis of signs of stress or plant diseases, Create NDVI maps to better manage crops, Optimization of irrigation resources, Intelligent management of fertilizers, Smart and precise phytosanitary treatment, Artificial pollination by drone, Seed distribution and many more 'other applications!

Drone Reveal offers operators very interesting possibilities for locating and identifying problems affecting their crops.

  • Thanks to our drones, you can reduce the amount of liquid you use to treat your crops, which will guarantee you sustainable and reasoned agriculture.

  • Our team of experts is able to film the areas in question with drones in order to carry out a very professional land inspection.


Recent innovations coupled with the drone make it possible to go much further and bring more precise information to the farmer by drawing up maps indicating the more or less fertile areas to help him make the right decisions and increase or decrease irrigation or appropriate treatments, which saves both water and treatments for the benefit of our planet and the farmer.

Analysis of signs of stress or plant diseases, Create NDVI maps to better manage crops, Optimization of irrigation resources, Intelligent management of fertilizers, Smart and precise phytosanitary treatment, Artificial pollination by drone, Seed distribution and many more 'other applications!

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